Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)
Medium Earth orbit refers to the area situated between LEO and GEO. As with LEO, satellites located in MEO do not have to have a specific inclination. Navigation satellites are commonly found in this orbit, generally at an altitude of around 20,000 km. MEO is also used for GNSS and navigation applications. There are also certain constellations or satellite networks that can be found in MEO which deliver low-latency and highbandwidth (high-speed) data connectivity This is useful to provide optic fibre-like performance to remote areas, where laying fibre is not possible, such as cruise, commercial maritime, aero, offshore platforms, network backhaul in difficult terrain, and humanitarian relief operations.
Space Orbits and Locations
See moreA Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for
Disarmament ResearchPalais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
1211 Geneva 10
Phone:+41 (0)22 917 11 41