A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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Due Diligence


Due diligence is generally understood as a duty of States to not “allow knowingly their territory to be used for acts contrary to the rights of other States”. This principle was articulated in the International Court of Justice’s Corfu Channel decision, and was a predecessor to the more general and all-encompassing idea of ‘due regard’. In the context of space activities, the principle of due diligence obliges States to observe certain conduct with respect to a particular activity, in line with the obligation enshrined in article VI of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) which mandates States to carry out “continuing supervision” of the space activities of their nationals. The concept of due diligence is used in conjunction with fault standards applicable to space activities when analysing fault-based liability for damages being caused elsewhere than on the surface of the Earth under article III of the Liability Convention.

Principles & Concepts of United Nations Space Treaties

Principles & Concepts of United Nations Space Treaties

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A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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A Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for 
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A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit