A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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Non-Kinetic Physical


These technologies have physical effects on satellites or ground segments without making physical contact. They include lasers, high-powered microwaves (HPM), and electromagnetic pulses (EMP). These technologies can blind or dazzle sensors or cause damage to electrical circuits and processors in a satellite. Non-kinetic physical hostile acts operate at the speed of light and, in some cases, can be less visible to third-party observers and more difficult to attribute. These acts can be reversible or irreversible.

Counterspace capabilities

Counterspace capabilities

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A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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A Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for 
Disarmament ResearchPalais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Phone:+41 (0)22 917 11 41
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit