A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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Reverberating Effects


Generally understood to mean the consequences or effects that are not directly caused by a specific action, but are nevertheless the product thereof. The concept of reverberating effects is commonly used in discussions relating to the use of force or armed attacks in the context of the conduct of hostilities. When conducting proportionality assessments prior to the use of force or armed attack, it is generally accepted that reverberating effects have to be considered to the degree in which they are reasonably foreseeable.

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A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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A Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for 
Disarmament ResearchPalais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Phone:+41 (0)22 917 11 41
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit