A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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Risk refers to the probability of an outcome having a negative effect on people, systems or assets. When used in the context of space security, it generally refers to the danger to the safety of a space system or any of its components, that is to say, the possibility of accidental or unintended damage to space systems, or to people depending on the services provided by those systems. Risk is distinct from threat, which refers to the danger to the security of a space system or any of its components, that is to say, the possibility of intended or intentional damage (involving agency, or done deliberately) to space systems, or to people depending on the services provided by those systems. It should be noted that outside of the space policy discourse, the term ‘risk’ does have security-related implications. The nuclear field is an example of this.

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A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit
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A Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for 
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1211 Geneva 10
Phone:+41 (0)22 917 11 41
A Lexicon for Outer Space Securit